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Please log-in to post. If you need to you don't have an account then please register. Once logged in you can return here to post you listings.

Dance Studio Listings

Below you will find all information about listing your dance studio on Where To Dance Nashville.

We are entering a beta period and all users will get a free trial for 3 months durring beta period. After the beta period ends then user will not be able to get the 3 months free. So sign up today....

This is a permum service of Where To Dance Nashville. So in order to access this you will need to sign up. If you do not have an account then you will need to register first. Then simply login to your account. Choose from the main menu "My Account/List Your Dance Studio" or Click here (Please Note you need to be logged in). It is recomended that you use the same account you use to submit events. 

The only payment is Paypal at this time so your ok to proceed to check out.

Make Sure to Agree To the terms and Conditions

Then click the blue checkout button.

At this time because of the way Paypal works you will be required setup your payment information. However you will not be charged to your account. It will require you sign up with a Paypal account because it will be a recurring monthly fee. If you decide to cancel before the 3 month period you will not be charged. You will be able to cancel at any time before the trial period and after the trial period. 

Once the account is set up with Paypal you will be redirected back to the website if you choose. You will receive a system email telling you the you have subscribed the this service.

Why your account is active you will be able to create and set up multiple dance studios. However please don't submit dance studios you do not own. We retain the right to cancel your service with no refund and revoke this service forever if we so wish. If you cancel This service payment during the trial period you will still have access until the trial ends. Once it ends you will lose access to these service and all studos submited will be unpublished from our website. You will have to option to renew your this service any time. Once the service is renewed your listing will again be published.  

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Once to sign up is complete you should log out then log back in to see the studio submission form. 

At the very top of the website you will see "POST EVENTS" click it and you will see the menu drop down. 


You will then be taken to the Dance Studio Submittion form.

Fill out the following form and it will submit your dance studio.

Please note that all dance studios must be approved be for it is published.

Once approved you will receive an email. Your listing is now published.

Video Demo

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Once your studio is approved then you will be able to edit your Dance Studio any time. 

To edit your studio from the main menu choose "My Account/Edit My Listing"

You will then see your dance studio and click "Edit Studio".

You will then be able to edit your dance studio.

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If you would like to cancel your studio subscription. You may do so at any time. 

How to cancel my studio listing?

To cancel you have to log in to your PayPal Account. 

Video Instructions Below
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Cron Job StartsDance Studio Listings - Where To Dance Nashville
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