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Please log-in to post. If you need to you don't have an account then please register. Once logged in you can return here to post you listings.

Recurring Events - Type Daily

These events are a 2 more day event.

You can have an event that last up to 7 days in a row.

Examples  include -

Competition week, Swing week, national dance week, weekend workshop, ext...

How do I set the options to include this event type?

It as easy as choosing the date and time. just choose the start date and time to the first start time and then choose it at the very end of your event.

example -

My event starts friday at 7pm.
I have a workshop on saturday and dance saturday night.
I have a workshop on Sunday until 4pm

Choose your start time friday 7pm
choose your end time as sunday 4pm.
The submission form will do the work for you.

It will tell you how many days it will last for. 

daily logic how it works

Please note that an event is still considered one day or the same day unless the time is 6am the next day.

So a one time event that starts at 7pm on a friday and ends at 5am is still considered a one day event. Same for an event that start at 10am and ends at 5am the next day is still a one day event. The same logic is used for each day up till 7 days. 

How to edit my daily event?

You must login and under choose My Account/edit my listings.

Then choose the event and click edit.
These are the same as a one time events but last for multiple days up to 7.

Cancel you event

You can cancel you event anytime under My Account/Edit my listing

Click edit event and choose cancel event and submit.

All registered users will be notifed of this change via email automatically.

You do not have to verify these type of events

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Cron Job StartsRecurring Events - Type Daily - Where To Dance Nashville
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